It is the latter who remain even if the elders are resistant to the young people's way of thinking
When elders are resistant to the way young people think, it may be the young people who are right
Often the elders are more outspoken and the statement is often made, "I'm troubled by the idea that young people think X
This phenomenon is nothing more than "one person's A and another person's B have different world views" from a bird's eye view. The elders basically die first, which leaves B in the long run.
OLD TITLE: When Elders Resist Young People's Views, Maybe It's the Young Who Are Right
NEW TITLE: Elders Resist Young People's Way of Thinking, but the latter Remain
I read it again after a while and thought
Not "right" or "incorrect." One person A and another person B have different worldviews, and A dies first, so B's worldview remains.
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